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Make every day delicious

Savings are always waiting

Find affordable options on Uber Eats


$0 Delivery Fee

On your mark! Snag a $0 Delivery Fee on an ever-changing selection of local restaurants.*

Daily Dinner Deals

Pre-order at a set time and unlock $0 Delivery Fee from featured restaurants. Think of it as a reward for being organized.*

No Rush Delivery

Save on your order with an extra wait. Talk about delayed gratification.

Latest Deals

Your go-to place for deals, discounts, restaurant rewards, and plenty of other good things.

$0 Delivery Fee

Beat the clock and snag a $0 Delivery Fee on a local restaurant. The featured restaurants change every 15 minutes, so you never know what great surprises you’ll find.

Choose your game plan wisely. Select your favorite as soon as it appears, or wait and see what’s coming up next. Everything is a winning selection so there are no bad plays.

Daily Dinner Deals

Enjoy a $0 Delivery Fee when you pre-order dinner for a savings option when you want it.

Plan ahead and beat the dinnertime hunger. When you pre-order from delicious options that change everyday, you can lock in a $0 Delivery Fee.

No Rush Delivery

Save on your order when you select No Rush at checkout.

With No Rush, wait a little extra to save on your order. Your order will be held in a queue before the restaurant receives it. Good things really do come to those who wait.

Latest Deals

Find great deals, all in one place. Latest Deals is your go-to destination for savings, every time you order.

Savings options show up here—some exclusive to Uber Eats. There’s always a great reason to order guilt-free, so keep checking in to find a saving that matches your mood.

*Taxes and other fees still apply. Valid at participating restaurants only. Restaurant availability may vary and is subject to change. Cannot be combined. See app for details and availability.

The options on this page are subject to availability and may vary. See app for details and availability.

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